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Induction Programme for the Bachelor of Education Arts Lecturers

New Academic Lecturers Induction

Induction programme for the Bachelor of Education Arts Lecturers was conducted today at the University boardroom. The main purpose is to integrate our new staff into TTU and show them the systems, procedures, culture, values and the Institution itself. It also helps them ease into a new environment of The Home of Ideas!

New Academic Lecturers Induction

The staff will play a big role in driving the newly approved Bachelor of Education Arts programme to produced well rounded students for our greater Nation.

The new staff are Prof. Susan Choge – Dean School of Education, Dr. Mary Mutiso, Dr. Fred Nasubo, Dr. Sophie Okwena, Dr. Makini Sonoi, Dr. Joseph Maina and Dr. Phans Murangai all employed as lecturers in the Education department.

The Induction was conducted by Prof. Christine Onyango – Deputy Vice Chancellor (ARO), Prof. Kiptanui Too – Deputy Vice Chancellor (AFP), Mr.Chrisantonse Odhiambo – Director (APD) and Dr. David Chikati – Chairman Education Department.

Key areas that the staff were taken through are:- Overview of TTU, Governance structure, Staff members duties & responsibilities, Role of Staff in the University strategic plan, Staff welfare and Law, Policies, Procedures and arrangements.