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Electronic Information Resources


  1. : Strength Accounting and Finance, Economics, Management, Education,
    Engineering, Human Resources, Computer Science, Public Policy, Sociology, Tourism, Hospitality and Transport.
  2. Cambridge University Press Journals Online : Publishes over 300 peer-reviewed academic journals in Politics, Linguistics, Social Science, Humanities, Law, Mathematics, Science and Medicine.
  3. IEEE – The Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers : CONTENT INCLUDES: Cloud Computing, Robotics & Automation, Vehicular Technology, Smart Grid Research, Communications and Networking, Circuit Theory, Cable Television, Computer Architecture, Computer Aided Design, Computer Graphics, Control of Network Systems, Cybernetics, Cryptography, Waves and Electromagnetism, Other related disciplines.
  4. EBSCO Host Research Databases : Covers most branches of humanities and social sciences. Strong in business, nursing, medicine and allied health sciences.
  5. Institute of Physics : Provides access to journals, magazines, e-books in physics. Holds useful materials for education and research. Covers Applied physics, Computer science, Condensed matter and materials science, High energy and nuclear physics, Mathematics, applied mathematics and mathematical physics, Measurement science and sensors, Medical and biological sciences, Optical, atomic and molecular physics.
  6. JSTOR : Multi-disciplinary database covering Anthropology, Archeology architecture, Biological Sciences, Botany & plant Science, Business, Economics ,Education, Finance, ecology, history political science, language, literature, Arts, Art history, Music, Mathematics, social sciences and Zoology.
  7. Nature Publishing Groups : Covers Life Sciences, Chemistry, Physical Sciences, Clinical practice and
    research and Earth and Environment.
  8. Oxford English Dictionary Online : An authority on English language with over 600,000 words. Provides evolution and meaning of words.
  9. Geological society of London :Lyell collection : The Geological Society of London (Lyell Collection) is an online collection comprising of the Society’s journal titles, Special Publications and key book series. 
  10. Royal Society Journals Online : Strength: natural Resources, Management, Computer science, Information Technology, Business Studies
  11. Sage Online Journals : Includes materials in Business, humanities, social sciences, Business, Technology and Medicine
  12. Taylor and Francis Journals : Strength in Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics, Economics, Finance, Business, Physical Sciences, Hospitality, Humanities, Development Studies
  13. Wiley Online Library : Business, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Computer science, Earth and environmental science, Education, Engineering, Law, Life sciences, Medicine, Physics and astronomy, Polymers and materials science, Psychology Social sciences
  14. Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development : Includes e-books and papers in Economics, Finance, Taxation, Transport, Science and Technology, Industry and services.
  15. World-bank e-Library : Holds materials in Agriculture, Development, Environment, Energy, International Economics, Trade, Macroeconomics, Rural Development, Transport, Water Resources, Water Supply and Sanitation.
  16. Agora-Access to Global Online Literature in Agriculture : AGORA, HINARI, OARE & ARDI are the 4 Research4Life programs that provide developing countries with free or low cost access to academic and peer reviewed content online. AGORA contains peer reviewed journals from major scientific publishers in food, Agriculture, Plant Sciences, Soil Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Natural Resources and Environmental Science. 
  17. Access to Research Information in Health : The world’s largest information source for biomedical and health literature. Contains over 12,700 journals, 24,900 e-books and related sciences. Subjects include Cardiology, Densitry, Dermatology, Human Anatomy, Immunology, Infectious diseases, Internal Medicine, Neurosciences, Nursing, Oncology, Parasitology, Pharmacy, Public Health, Surgery and tropical Medicine. 
  18. OARE (Online Access to Research Environment) : Environmental information research in over 1,000 scientific journals coordinated by United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP and YALE University). Covers biology, biotechnology, genetics, genetically modified species, Botany, Environmental disasters, remote sensing, hydrology water, marine biology, Animal biodiversity satellite.
  19. ARDI – (Access to Research for Development and Innovation) : ARDI Program is administered by World International Property Organization (WIPO). This resource contains scientific and technical journals, e-books.
  20. Directory of Open Access Books : Provides Open Access to books from publishers that are of academic nature and peer reviewed. 
  21. Directory of Open Access Journals : DOAJ aims to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals, thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. DOAJ is a comprehensive resource that covers all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use a quality control system to guarantee the content. 
  22. Google Scholar : A freely available web search engine that provides access to scholarly literature across disciplines including abstracts, articles and e-books. 
  23. Directory of Open Access Repositories : Provides a list of open access repositories around the world. The aims of this service are to play a prominent international role in organizing and creating access to repositories and support open access initiatives among others.
  24. Research Kenya : List of theses and dissertations on Kenyan research.
  25. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) : Educational materials, Social and Human Sciences, Culture, Communication Information.
  26. United nations Development Program (UNDP) : Millennium development goals and reports, Human Development, Capacity Building, Women Empowerment 
  27. United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) : A knowledge repository on national environmental systems and Research on Environment
  28. United Nations World Against Aids (UNAIDS) : Contains Campaign materials, documents, Corporate Publications, Videos, photo-galleries and Info-graphics.
  29. United Nations Organization Library – Nairobi : United Nations Books, reports and related publications
  30. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) : Animal health and production, Aquaculture, Biodiversity, Biotechnology, Investment Agriculture, Nutrition, Organic farming, more in agriculture and related sciences.
  31. World Health Organization of the United Nations (WHO) : Global Health Matters, WHO reports, Online Journals, WHO Programs on Health.
  32. Kenya Government : Official Kenya Government Portal; gateway to all government ministries and
  33. Kenya Law Reform / Kenya gazette : Official Government newspaper
  34. The Constitution of Kenya : The supreme Law of Kenya
  35. ProQuest Ebook Central
  36. IEEE Explore
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