+254 721 113 302/+254 774 222 064
School of Agricultural, Earth & Environmental Sciences

Horticulture Department

What We Do

The Department of Horticulture is engaged in training highly skilled manpower in the field of Horticulture, Agricultural Education and extension, Agribusiness management and Applied Crop Science. Research and education are carried out in an interdisciplinary environment in close conjunction with soil, plant, and eco-friendly science disciplines.

In teaching and research, the faculty advances sustainable production technology for the agricultural and nutrition sectors with high emphasis on biological farming smart agriculture. The overall aim is to create knowledge that promotes sustainable and competitive agricultural production. In this regard, the department is actively engaged in practical training of frontline Agricultural Specialists for placement in public and private sector across the country. The first cohort graduated in 2017.

In addition, we offer practical training in Organic farming techniques (Vermiculture, composting, tillage techniques), state of the art techniques in greenhouse management, hydroponics crop production, aquaculture, apiculture, and modern methods of farming for improved agricultural productivity through community outreach programmes in collaboration with stakeholders

List of Staff in the Department

  • Prof. Christine Akoth Onyango
  • Dr. Mwamburi Mcharo – Lecturer & Dean SAEES
  • Dr. James Gacheru Wanjiku– Lecturer, Chairman of Department
  • Dr. Anne Kelly Kambura
  • Dr. Marianne Maghenda – Senior Lecturer
  • Mr. Bernard Mwololo – Assistant Lecturer

Non-Academic Staff

  1. Leah Andisi – Senior Technologist
  2. Wilmot Mwatela Mwalugha –Technologist
  3. Dan Nzioki – Technologist
  4. Sophy Kahema – HoD Halls of Residence
  5. Angela Moghore – HoD Catering
  6. Peter Ng’aru Cheror – Administrative Assistant
  7. Valentine Malemba – School Secretary
  8. Naomi Mwalekwa – Librarian

Ongoing research projects

  1. Assessment of Select Rice Varieties for Smallholder Farming Systems in the Wetlands and Highlands of Taita-Taveta County- TAITARICE
  2. An integrated Agri-energy system for sustainable banana farming for improved livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Kenya- TAITABANANAS
  3. Climate Smart Technologies for Restoration of Degraded ASALs and Enhancement of Communities Resilience in South Eastern Kenya
  4. Validating Integrated Soil Fertility Management Technologies for Improved Food, Nutrition Security and Livelihoods
  5. Towards a Sustainable Beef Cattle Finishing System for Kenya: use of Molasses-urea mineral block as feed supplement
  6. Taita Smartland Project
  7. AgroPV project
  8. The African Soil Microbiome
  9. Alternative Energy – Biogas project

Get in Touch

Contacts Information

P.O. Box 635 – 80300
Voi – Kenya

+254 721 113 302/ +254 774 222 064/ +254 662 322 234

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Student Resources