Today morning, The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic, Research and Outreach) Prof. Christine Onyango and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration, Finance and Planning) Prof. Kiptanui Too, addressed the fresh men and women at the University auditorium. Prof. Kiptanui Too started by welcoming the first years at the...Read More
Taita Taveta University welcomed first year students admitted under the Kenya Universities & Colleges Central Placement Service for the Academic year 2023/2024 today. The students admitted to undertake Certificate, Diploma, and Undergraduate programmes will be taken through the orientation programme from Tuesday 13/9/23 to Monday...Read More
The Taita Taveta University Retirement Benefit Scheme board organized for a one-day members sensitization workshop with the fund manager and fund administrators. The Taita Taveta University Retirement Scheme Fund Manager Kenya Alliance Insurance represented by Mr. Godfrey Simboni, Ms.Jackline Gituku and Mr. Charles Mureithi, presented...Read More
Induction programme for the Bachelor of Education Arts Lecturers was conducted today at the University boardroom. The main purpose is to integrate our new staff into TTU and show them the systems, procedures, culture, values and the Institution itself. It also helps them ease into...Read More
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