+254 721 113 302/+254 774 222 064
School of Business, Economics & Social Sciences

Dean’s Office – SBESS

Dr. Mwakio Mwagandi, PhD
Dean of the School of Business, Economics, and Social Sciences

Brief Profile
Dr. Mwakio Mwagandi holds a PhD in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development, a Master of Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Nairobi. He is very passionate about sculpting the lives of people and organizations. Dr Mwakio has vast experience in research, training, and consultancy; both at national and international spaces. The respective areas of focus have been entrepreneurship; women; youth; sustainability; artisanal and small scale mining; and natural resources. He has won numerous grants and collaborations. Dr Mwakio finds satisfaction in working on projects and programmes that enhance the livelihoods of people and make the world a better place to live in. Dr Mwakio has added and continues to add great value to businesses, and youth development and economic empowerment through offering services on business incubation and development amongst others. He does possess extensive industry experience in management. Further, he is involved in various social responsibility programmes, chiefly in supporting academically endowed but financially challenged students.

Areas of interest

Entrepreneurship; women; youth; sustainability; artisanal and small scale mining; and natural resources

Message from the Dean
Welcome to the School of Business, Economics, and Social Sciences (SBESS).
The School of Business, Economics, and Social Sciences is located in the Main Campus of the University, in Mariwenyi, Taita. It is quite tranquil a place; very conducive for learning. We endeavor to enhance the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor capacities of our students to excel in all the spheres of their lives. At SBESS, “Your delight is our driver”.
Presently, the school offers the following academic programmes; online and evening classes are also available.


Academic Programmes at SBESS


  1. Certificate in County Governance
  2. Certificate in Purchasing and Supplies Chain Management
  3. Diploma in County Governance
  4. Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Chain Management
  5. Bachelor of Commerce with specializations in:
    a. Accounting
    b. Finance
    c. Marketing
    d. Human Resource Management
  6. Bachelor of Economics
  7. Bachelor of Business Information Technology
  8. Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management
  9. Master of Business Administration in Natural Resource Management
  10. Master of Business Administration with specializations in:
    a. Finance
    b. Accounting
    c. Marketing
    d. Strategic Management
    e. Human Resource Management

January; May; September
Apply now

For enquiries:
Email: /
Call: (020) 2422206; (020) 2437267

Get in Touch

Contacts Information

P.O. Box 635 – 80300
Voi – Kenya

+254 721 113 302/ +254 774 222 064/ +254 662 322 234

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Student Resources